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  1. H


    Could be an external ELT antenna
  2. H

    Dallas Tx on board:) Looking for Interior and paint Referrals. Thks. Tell them marty montez referred you!
  3. H

    Retired or am I waiting for my second wind?

    Thanks For That Info. I do like that idea. I may have yo move to a lower elevation anyway.
  4. H

    Retired or am I waiting for my second wind?

    I am excited about the RV 15... the high wing STOL plane they say is in work.
  5. H

    Retired or am I waiting for my second wind?

    I started Aviation in 1976. US Army. Retired from the airlines couple years ago. I never owned a cessna but as an A&P IA, I always traded Annuals for use. I flew many hours for gas and some free labor. I felt as if all the aircraft were my own so I always washed them and kept them all sparking...