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    Cessna mentioned - funny YouTube

    I love listening to this YouTube. It is so cool.
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    Aero Lithium Batteries

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    What do you do when you're not flying?

    Anyone have any interesting hobbies? I read a lot. It's shifted to digital things over the past few years but I still have a ton of books. What are you guys interested in?
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    Plans for the New Year?

    What's everyone's plans for 2025? Anything fun on the horizon? A couple of months back I started baking every recipe in an old Better Homes and Gardens cook book (I'm boring). I focus on cakes. Some of them are form the Great Depression and require very few ingredients, but they are...
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    Earth X Batteries

    EarthX Batteries
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    Someone requested this forum today so I am adding it.
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    Disable Ads

    FYI if you go here and select disable ads, all ads will be forever disabled;
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    Ways to get the word out?

    Any suggestions on ways to get the word out about the new community? Anyone in any FB Groups they could share to?
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    Forum division - need feedback

    Since the forum is just getting started, I want to divide the forums into the best subforum list. What are your thoughts on the current setup?
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    Post YOUR Cessna Here - ADD IMAGES!

    This forum is to showcase your Cessna, past or present. You can title the thread as anything. Model/Vartiant/Year, Nickname, Your Name, Your Nickname, Location. Somethings you can add: Photos Model/Variant/Year Specifications Modifications History Fly-ins you have attended or travels you have...
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    Just getting started so please let me know what I can do to improve things!