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  1. J

    Cessna 310s

    Here are some photos I've taken of 310s. Show us your planes! This one is a Riley TurboStream conversion.
  2. J

    Cessna 140s

    Since nobody else has posted here, I'll start! I've owned two Cessna 140s and sometimes when I see the fuel bill on my 182, I miss them! Great airplanes, extremely cheap to own and operate. Here is mine, and a few more that I've photographed. Show us yours. This is my first Cessna 140...
  3. J

    Straight-Tail 182s

    Well, since. nobody else has posted here, I'll start it off. I own a 1959 182 and I love it. They do everything well. They aren't the best at anything, but mine fits my mission. My plane got a new interior and paint in 2016 and it looks great. I would have chosen a classic scheme, but I...
  4. J

    1959 Cessna 182 Owner - Aviation Photographer

    Hello! I own a 1959 Straight-Tail 182. I'm also an aviation photographer for EAA, Cessna Owner, Piper Owner, Plane&Pilot and more. Thanks for the invite. My plane, with my friend flying it so I could take photos!