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  1. W


  2. W


    I would recommend the GNC215 for the better display and 2-year warranty. Is the GNC255 new in the box? The 215 is easier to navigate through and will match your other components, it has a faster processor as well. It also uses an SD card versus the older style dongle which makes life a little...
  3. W


    If it's a P-lead interference, the issue generally is a ticking sound through the intercom. The issue you described sounds more like a mic/ antenna or actual issue with the com. I would recommend troubleshooting in that order: mic, antenna, com. I hope this is helpful.
  4. W


    If anyone has any avionics questions, please let me know. I work in the industry and am here to help. I'm new to the forum and very interested in learning more about your community, perspective and insight.