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  1. T

    DIY Paint Job

    All scuffing and rivet cleaning should be done with stainless steel wool, butyural rubber gloves and MEK. Bonderite stripper, then pressure washed. As for paint epoxy primer, then a high grade urethane. Example Ranthane, Aerothane, axzol/noble products. Keep in mind that all epoxy and urethane...
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    Cessna 182B Window Seal Replacement

    Speak with Great Lakes Aero Plastics, they will steer you in the right direction and offer different solutions
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    Cessna U206G Noise & RPM Advice?

    Once positive climb rate is established reduce RPM and manifold pressure to 2500, at cruise altitude set at your desired settings.
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    Got Tips for Fireproof Paint for C-185?

    Ranthane will handle firewall heat, and is chemical resistant to all fluids that could be associated with engine spillage or blow by.
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    Hello from the Hudson Valley, NY

    Happy to be a part of the group