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  1. flyinlo

    Hello from San Jose, CA

    I've never flown over the Winchester Mystery House. It is inside the KSJC Class D airspace, so would require some coordination but it's not something I've ever felt compelled to do. Where to fly? Hollister, Watsonville, Marina, Petaluma, Paso Robles, Harris Ranch, Lincoln, Castle and more!
  2. flyinlo

    N2184V 1948 Cessna 140

    Here's my '48 C140. Bought as a flying project now down for a bunch of work.
  3. flyinlo

    Hello from San Jose, CA

    I've got a 1948 C140 N2184V that I keep at KRHV. Truth be told it was flying and had "a fresh annual" when I bought it but really is a project and after flying it for most of a year is now down for a bunch of work. Unfortunately I have a lot of projects so progress is slow. Here it is on a damp...