Hello from San Jose, CA

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New member
Mar 4, 2024
San Jose, CA
I've got a 1948 C140 N2184V that I keep at KRHV. Truth be told it was flying and had "a fresh annual" when I bought it but really is a project and after flying it for most of a year is now down for a bunch of work. Unfortunately I have a lot of projects so progress is slow. Here it is on a damp morning at KCVH. C140 CVH Wet Ramp.jpeg
What a beautiful photos of your plane. Since you're in San Jose, does anyone ever fly over the Winchester House and get an ariel photo?

Where is your favorite flying places? I used to fly from Denver to Cheyenne, fast hard bouncing or slow soft bouncing along the front range. There was a restaurant in an old plane at the Cheyenne airport.
What a beautiful photos of your plane. Since you're in San Jose, does anyone ever fly over the Winchester House and get an ariel photo?

Where is your favorite flying places? I used to fly from Denver to Cheyenne, fast hard bouncing or slow soft bouncing along the front range. There was a restaurant in an old plane at the Cheyenne airport.
I've never flown over the Winchester Mystery House. It is inside the KSJC Class D airspace, so would require some coordination but it's not something I've ever felt compelled to do.

Where to fly? Hollister, Watsonville, Marina, Petaluma, Paso Robles, Harris Ranch, Lincoln, Castle and more!