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  1. G

    Help needed…What is this?

    I upgraded mine last year to a Dynon Skyview HDX. The system install itself was trivial compared to designing and fitting the mount panel to the stationary panel. Now that I look at it, I do recognize those components and where they come from. I took a minimalist approach in my panel layout...
  2. G

    Help needed…What is this?

    You might call Cessna and ask them. I found an older engineer one year at OSH who actually knew my airplane and talked my ear off about its history. That conversation was more than worth that trip to OSH, that year.
  3. G

    Have you done a spin in your Cessna?

    There was a typo in my post. It was NOT a 182 of any kind. 'Twas a C152A. Some times I miss those flighty little kiteys that 152s are. But thanks for the compliment. :)
  4. G

    Have you done a spin in your Cessna?

    It was. Then the second time it was just tense. The third one was starting to be fun. C182A Aerobat. Doggy going uphill, but quick going downhill. Spins were required in my day. Glad we did them.
  5. G

    N1904F - C182M

    N1904F Cessna C182M Birthplace & Year: 1966 Wichita of course. Brief History: Cessna kept the aircraft and used it for test and utility flights between 1966 and 1971, when it was given a final permanent airworthiness certificate and sold. Bought 1990, TTAF: 1725, SFREM 225 Original Equipment...
  6. G

    Airplanes/Airports/Radios/Medicals & The Black Holes of Time

    Greetings from Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana and commuting in a C182. I have a C182 bought 34 years ago, and have been tinkering for all this time, as well as flying it on max range trips. Repainted in 2009, it earned an end cap at OSH one year in the VAC parking are in front of the 99s hangar...