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Mar 7, 2024
Tampa, FL
If anyone has any avionics questions, please let me know. I work in the industry and am here to help. I'm new to the forum and very interested in learning more about your community, perspective and insight.
You’re the man I need to talk to. In my plane, when I listen to the tower, I can hear them fine. But when I transmit, they can’t understand anything I say. My Cessna is a 182, but I’m having this trouble with my homebuilt, the Tailwind you see at left. I installed my p-lead wiring using shielded wire, but maybe I got it wrong. What’s the exact way to run p-lead wire from the mag to the dash ? Thanks DH
If it's a P-lead interference, the issue generally is a ticking sound through the intercom. The issue you described sounds more like a mic/ antenna or actual issue with the com. I would recommend troubleshooting in that order: mic, antenna, com. I hope this is helpful.
Ok, I’m guessing it’s the antenna then. I moved the antenna from the belly to the top, but on top, it has virtually no ground plain. I’m going to move it back to the belly cause it was working fine there. Appreciate your help, I’ll let you know what happens. I’ll do it soon as it warms up 🥶
The ground plane affects both xmt and rcv but the antenna does need a good one. I'd suspect an issue with the coax going to the antenna. Was it also moved to the top or did you re-use an existing coax?
I went to the apt today to mess with the antenna and the coax. The ground plane is just a strip of aluminum fairing about 4 x 12”. I can’t imagine i cut the coax because I wouldn’t know how to put a new end on it. It was cold and rainy so that’s as far as I got. I took a photo of the current install, but can’t see how to post it.
@Dhedeman have you ever soldered? You will need a good roll/pkg of solder and a soldering iron? It sounds as if a new coax connector may help.
Here is a video that shows how to solder the connector.

Thad - Thanks for the video. I’ve done about 5 minutes worth of marginally successful soldering in my life. I’m sure this info will be helpful. Thanks again. DH
BNC connectors are not soldered, they are crimped. The crimp tool is relatively inexpensive, as are the BNC connectors, but the tool to strip the coax cost around $50. Without the proper stripper, getting the coax properly stripped is difficult. The stripper linked below will perform all three strips at once but has to be adjusted first to work correctly.


Currently upgrading my panel and need to include new nav/com. Shop has a Garmin GNS 255a in stock (but no longer current from Garmin), but for $400 more I can get a current GNS 215. Other components will be dual G5, GTN 650xi, GFC 500 and GTX 350. In your opinion, is the 215 worth $400 more?
Currently upgrading my panel and need to include new nav/com. Shop has a Garmin GNS 255a in stock (but no longer current from Garmin), but for $400 more I can get a current GNS 215. Other components will be dual G5, GTN 650xi, GFC 500 and GTX 350. In your opinion, is the 215 worth $400 more?
I would recommend the GNC215 for the better display and 2-year warranty. Is the GNC255 new in the box? The 215 is easier to navigate through and will match your other components, it has a faster processor as well. It also uses an SD card versus the older style dongle which makes life a little easier. Good luck!
If it's a P-lead interference, the issue generally is a ticking sound through the intercom. The issue you described sounds more like a mic/ antenna or actual issue with the com. I would recommend troubleshooting in that order: mic, antenna, com. I hope this is helpful.
Yes, it was the antenna location problem. It works lots better not that ive moved it back to the belly. Thanks

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