Here is the log book entry I made on replacing my nose tire.
Replaced nose gear tire and tube with AIR TRAC 600-6 6 PLY tire P/N 06-07900 and 600X6 Straight Stem Leakguard tube P/N 06-00754 IAW Cessna XXX Service Manual. Cleaned and repacked nose gear wheel bearings. Torqued wheel halves to 150in/lbs. This Preventive Maintenance work performed IAW CFR14; Ch 1; Pt 43; Appendix A; (c) (1, 4).
Signed (Owner & Pilot)
I would read the CFR14 buit I think replacing the whole wheel with tire and bearings installed would be preventitive maintenance. I would list the P/N's, etc.
Would be nice if anyone else knows the preventitive maintenance rules to chime in.