Recent content by greentips

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  1. G

    Insurance increase?

    Mine went up, but I did increase the hull value after upgrading the airplane. It was about what was expected c/w the hull value increase.
  2. G

    Looking for Seat Covers for '99 Cessna 206!

    I looked at a variety of covers for my 1966 C182. Including having a professional recover the seats. After looking at all the options, I decided to give Airtex a go. This is not a slip cover option. It involved stripping the seats of all upholstery, and cleaning all the old glue off the...
  3. G

    Auto Fuel STC

    Likewise. I put a JM Ellsworth 55 gallon transfer tank in the truck bed certified for gasoline by the DoT with a pump and filter, nozzles and high quality grounded hoses. It comes with a State DoT certification as well. I use that spin on filter and a view glass to observe sediment, water or...
  4. G

    Auto Fuel STC

    I'm not sure how the quality control of mogas can be any different after it reaches the airport than 100LL or any other fuel they handle. The procedures are identical. The storage tank inspections and filter changes are the same, as are the storage and handling conditions. It does compete...
  5. G

    STC Approval for EarthX 24V Battery for Cessna 172N, 172P, 172Q, 172R, 172S

    I am intrigued, but have winter flying concerns. We often run in cold weather in the cold paradise of northern Minnesota, Michigan and Ontario. Sustained overnight temps can sit at -35F for weeks at a time. How will this work in those conditions compared to a lead acid battery, which can be...
  6. G

    Crazy idea flying to Europe on a Cessna

    Never did it, but for giggles I checked out routes and ranges over a decade ago. From Fargo, up along the east shore of Hudson Bay to Baffin Island. The ocean crossing to Greenland is short, less than 50 miles via island hopping along the Davis Straights and the Baffin but that part of...
  7. G

    Auto Fuel STC

    I have the Petersen STC and have used it in my C182 for 30 years without an issue. If you are in Michigan, you have to hunt a bit to find it as very few, if any, gas stations have it readily available. The EAA offers a similar one and both run about $1.50 per HP to get the STC. Some Piper...
  8. G

    Anyone else feeling the pinch of Fuel prices?

    You are correct on the Petersen STC. It and the EAA STC covers mogas that meets the ASTM spec for Mogas and if you are using mogas both the airframe and engine combinations must be certified. Petersen issues two STCs, one for the airframe and one for the engine for Mogas, irrespective of brand...
  9. G

    Anyone else feeling the pinch of Fuel prices?

    I beg to differ, but just to be sure I did a little check on the Swift Fuel website. My engine airframe combination is TC 3A13 Engine O-470-R @ 230 HP. If you select the site you cited above, and select Cessna/C182M it pops up a page that says Next, if you select a Cessna/C182T (Lycoming...
  10. G

    Anyone else feeling the pinch of Fuel prices?

    I don't think so. If you look at Swift's Airframe/engine selector for the eligible airframe/engine pairs, it states the following: Clause 2 UL94 specifically states that the fuel is compliant with 80 (ASTM D910). These engines specify AvGas80. Clause 1 UL94 meets/exceeds FAA TC fuel...
  11. G

    Anyone else feeling the pinch of Fuel prices?

    Petersen Mogas STC on my C182/O470R as well. No Pb fouling, not had any issues at all in over 3000 hours and one overhaul. Around here, you have to buy 91 Octane, it's readily available price range between $3.20 and $4.00 /gal. I do test for ETOH and have never found any in labeled ETOH free...
  12. G

    Have You Guys Tried Locking Gas Caps?

    Happened to me at an small 1700' airport I was based at in 1992. Stealing the gas was a nuisance to be sure, but it was raining all night and they left both gas caps laying on the wing. I was amazed at how much water came out the sumps. Stealing gas is one thing, letting water into my gas...
  13. G

    Help needed…What is this?

    I upgraded mine last year to a Dynon Skyview HDX. The system install itself was trivial compared to designing and fitting the mount panel to the stationary panel. Now that I look at it, I do recognize those components and where they come from. I took a minimalist approach in my panel layout...
  14. G

    Help needed…What is this?

    You might call Cessna and ask them. I found an older engineer one year at OSH who actually knew my airplane and talked my ear off about its history. That conversation was more than worth that trip to OSH, that year.
  15. G

    Have you done a spin in your Cessna?

    There was a typo in my post. It was NOT a 182 of any kind. 'Twas a C152A. Some times I miss those flighty little kiteys that 152s are. But thanks for the compliment. :)