Any Tips for Flying a 210M with STOL Mods?

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New member
Nov 3, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm super curious about flying a 210M with STOL mods. Does anyone have any tips or recommendations for approach and landing speeds, or other best practices? I'm particularly interested in any specific techniques for short-field operations.

Thank you, Sam.
I'd recommend practicing short-field takeoffs and landings in a safe environment to get better at them. For short-field landings, try coming in steeper and faster to maintain control.
Having owned/flown 210s for 36 yrs; last 22 yr T210N-no mods. Burn a lot of gas doing slow flight and stalls to get really comfortable so you'll know before your start landing what your 210 will feel like on short final to touch down and very slow speeds. Also, carry the same weight or more when practicing as you will when doing most of your flying; they fly differently when empty vs gross.

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