Hello from Genesys Aerosystems (S-TEC)

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Doug Tellef

Genesys Aerosystems
May 2, 2024
Genesys Aerosystems, TX
Hello all,

Great to see another aviation forum! I am Doug from Genesys Aerosystems. Prior EMB-120 Brasilia driver with SkyWest airlines, that was a blast to fly! I started in sales with Genesys, then moved to tech support and test pilot for the S-TEC 3100 autopilot. I have been involved in several of the STC projects and improvements for the 3100, it is a great system to fly behind. I am now in the training and documentation department, though I do love staying active in the community and helping out how ever I can. I try to monitor all the forums daily. Please feel free to reach out and let me know if you have any questions regarding out S-TEC autopilots.