Instruction fun

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Mar 21, 2024
Coastal region of South Carolina
As a sophomore in college my father gave me 2 hours of instruction for Christmas. They were as much fun as I had expected, with me doing the take-off on my first flight. I was in a 150 and I can still hear the sweet (not) sound of the stall warning horn in my mind.
Unable to fly more I did nothing for the next year and a half when someone I met for other reasons happened to be an instructor about 45 minutes from my home. So I took lessons that Summer and soloed at 7.2 hours total time.

All of that intro for this…
My instructor had me simulating an emergency landing, lining up on a corn field. As I climbed out, probably at around 500 feet, the engine died. As I started to go nuts my instructor calmly had me set up my glide angle, check for landing areas and then step through the plane condition instruments and controls. The instructor had secretly cut the fuel off with the floor valve while we were climbing out. The valve was turned back on and the engine restarted itself as the prop had been windmilling.
It was a very realistic training situation.